The InterACT Film & Creative Writing Festival is an online festival that brings together films and stories created by students across Germany.
Title of Film
Number of actors
Name of all actors
Name of all actor’s guardian (if under the age of 18)
Email address of all actor’s guardian (if under the age of 18)
Duration of film
Description of film
Film ready for upload (Upload at bottom of this page)
Conditions: If you wish to register your film, then everyone shown in that film must sign a photo release form. If the performers are under 18 years of age they will need the form signed by their parents or caretaker. We will provide this form automatically at the end of the course where it can be easily signed online by the responsible adult. The videos will only be shown and shared on InterACT English’s various platforms and perhaps with some select sponsors. This will be outlined in detail in the form.
Title of Short Story
Description of Short Story
Submit Short Story (Copy and Paste)
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Wouldn't it be a good idea to create a course?